Thursday, January 28, 2010

Seven Leading Killer Diseases

1. Heart Disease is the number one killer. 1 out of 2 people die of a heart disease in spite of available medical treatments. 1/3 of all people who suffer heart attacks die with the first attack. Homocysteine in the blood causes more deaths than high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or even smoking. Experts say that homocysteine can be controlled by taking nutritional supplements.
2. Cancer is the second leading cause of death. 1 out of 3 people will have cancer. The cure rate for cancer is 5 years. The typical medical treatment options for cancer include surgical removal, poison with chemotherapy, or burn it with radiation. But, how about stopping the cause? Nutrition plays a major role in the prevention of cancer. A test group that was given the trace mineral selenium reduced cancer by 50%.
3. Strokes are the third leading cause of death. The effect on the blood vessels is the same as heart disease, but it affects the blood vessels of the brain. Nutrition is essential!!!
4. Diabetes is rapidly increasing. the incidence of diabetes has increased by 50% in the last 10 years. Fifty percent of adults, 65 and older, have diabetes. The rate among children is staggering and mostly related to their diet, which consists of high sugar intake. Their diet is totally deficient in the mineral chromium. People who have to take insulin automatically gain weight because insulin causes the body to stare fat. Obesity is almost always associated with diabetes. Obesity alone is the cause of 300,000 deaths per year.
5. Osteoporosis is now the number five in the leading causes of death. The leading cause of osteoporosis is soft drinks. Phosphoric acid in soft drinks leaches calcium from the bones therefore causing the body not to absorb calcium.
6. Arthritis is now sixth on the list of leading causes of death. Poor digestion is in direct relation to the cause of arthritis. 80% of people 50 years old already have arthritis. Medication for the treatment of arthritis in many cases makes the condition worse. In addition, medications destroy the stomach, liver, and kidneys. The 15th leading cause of death is arthritic medication. Again proper nutrients help prevent this condition.
7. Alzheimers is a rapidly growing disease that surfaced after the introduction of aluminum cookware, cans, and antiperspirants. People with Alzheimers have massive amounts of aluminum in their brain cells. This is a real nutrition problem.
The reason why I am sharing this information is because we need to take charge of our health and be better educated how to better take care of our bodies. There are solutions out there, but we are not being told about these solutions. The internet has opened up a whole new world of hope for looking for health solutions, but there is so much out there it is scary that you might be going in the wrong direction for help. I have learned quite a bit about health since moving to SC because my wife was diagnosed with a non-curable disease right after we arrive here. We are seeking natural solutions because the alternative is a lot worse. Thanks for listening. I welcome comments and discussion. Gerry G