Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Six Major Diseases Treatening Your Health & Life Today

) Heart Disease 2) Cancer 3) Obesity 4) Diabetes 5) Stroke 6) Arthritis
Does Anyone in Your Family Have Any of These Diseases?
1)Even people 20 years of age are having heart attacks. One out of three people who have a heart attack will die from the 1st attack. One-third of heart attacks have normal blood pressure and normal cholesterol. Heart disease kills one person in the United States every 34 seconds. The cost of treating heart disease today is $298 billion dollars.
2)There are were 560,000 cases of Cancer in 2007. Now, they are expecting 1.5 million new cases. Toxic chemicals in food and water are causing cancer. The four leading cancers are lung, breast, colorectal, and prostate. Colon Cancer is the #2 killer of cancer today. The leading cause of death between ages 20-29 is cancer. Every three minutes someone is being diagnosed with breast or prostate cancer. In one study, they found 286 toxic chemicals in the unborn fetus. The leading cause of death for children is cancer.
3)Two-thirds of people are overweight. Obesity is a major cause of diabetes, heart disease, cancer, stroke, and joint problems. Obesity is also a leading cause of sleep apnea. For each inch a person gains around the waist, the body will develop 3 miles of blood vessels just to supply that inch. Obesity around the waist tremendously increases ones risk for heart disease.
4) Diabetes cases double about every 10 years. Diabetics are 5 times more likely to have a stroke. Over 40% of kidney failure is due to diabetes. Diabetics have a 60-70% risk for nerve damage resulting in limb amputation and blindness. Cirrhosis of liver increases at least 50% in diabetics. They are 2-3 times more likely to have a heart attack.
5) Over 100,000 people are now waiting for an organ transplant such as a heart, kidney, liver, lung, etc. Thousands die before they get the transplant. After the transplant, one can expect to spend $3,000-$4,000 every month for the rest of their life on drugs to help prevent the body from rejecting the organ.
Dr. Rath, an expert in cardiovascular disease and nutrition say heart disease can be almost eradicated by proper supplementation.
Dr. Harry Elwardt says there is no reason for this #1 killer of heart disease to rule the day. He says good diet, exercise, and nutritional supplements can change this.
Many experts believe that most of these diseases are caused by poor nutrition and vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
Today people are spending 10 times more on natural alternative methods than just 10 years ago.

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